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(3 customer reviews)

Chicken Masala


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SKU: C2546 Category: Tags: Fast FoodGrill

French Fries


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Shoestring French Fries

  • Enjoy thin, shoestring fries with a satisfying crunch in every bite.
  • Perfect for on-the-go snacking or as a tasty side dish.
  • Pair with various dips or dishes for a delectable complement.
  • Deep-Fry Method: Heat oil to 350°F (175°C) and fry shoestring fries for 2-3 minutes until golden and crispy.
  • Oven-Baked Option: Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C) and bake the fries on a tray for 15-20 minutes, flipping halfway for even cooking.
  • Keep in a sealed, airtight container or bag in the freezer. Ensure they're properly sealed to prevent moisture and freezer burn.
  • When storing in the freezer, avoid overcrowding the fries to maintain their individual shape and prevent sticking.

Straight Cut French Fries


  • Traditional straight-cut fries loved for their simplicity & familiarity.
  • A versatile side that complements a wide range of dishes.
  • Add your choice of seasonings for a personal touch.


  • Deep-Fry Method: Deep-fry straight-cut fries in oil (350°F or 175°C) for approximately 4-5 minutes until they are golden and crispy.
  • Oven-Baked Option: Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C) and bake the straight-cut fries on a baking sheet for 25-30 minutes, turning halfway for even cooking.


  • Freeze straight-cut fries in a sealed container or bag to maintain their quality and avoid moisture exposure.
  • Freeze them in a single layer to prevent sticking and to easily access the desired quantity.

Masala Fries

  • A burst of bold spices in every bite.
  • Offers a taste of international flavors in your own home.
  • Perfect for those who crave a bit of heat. 
  • Deep-Fry Method: Deep-fry masala fries in oil (350°F or 175°C) for 3-4 minutes until they are crisp, then toss with masala seasoning.
  • Oven-Baked Option: Bake masala fries in the oven at 425°F (220°C) for 20-25 minutes, then toss with masala seasoning.
  • Place masala fries in an airtight container in the freezer, making sure they're well-sealed to prevent moisture and flavor loss.
  • Store in smaller portions for convenient use and to avoid thawing more than needed.

Skin-On Fries

  • Our Skin-On Fries are a versatile companion to your favorite dips, sauces, or toppings. Serve them as a side or make them the star of your snack time.
  • The inclusion of the potato skin adds a rustic and authentic flavor to our fries, delivering a taste that's reminiscent of homemade goodness.
  • Air Fryer Method: Opt for a healthier option by using your air fryer. Preheat to 400°F (200°C) and cook for 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally for even crispness.
  • Grill or BBQ: Take your fries to the great outdoors. Toss them in your favorite seasonings, wrap them in foil, and grill for approximately 15-20 minutes.
  • Deep-Fry Method: Deep-fry Skin-On Fries in oil (350°F or 175°C) for approximately 4-5 minutes until they are golden and crispy.
  • Refrigeration: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Enjoy them within 2-3 days for optimal freshness.
  • Freezing: Extend the shelf life by freezing the fries. Lay them in a single layer on a baking sheet, freeze until solid, and then transfer them to an airtight container or freezer bag. They can be stored for up to 2-3 months.

Crinkle Cut Fries 9mm

  • The crinkle cut design gives our fries a delightful texture, allowing them to hold onto your favorite condiments and seasonings for an explosion of flavor in every bite.
  • These fries are designed for convenience. With a thickness of 9mm, they cook up quickly, making them the perfect choice for a speedy and satisfying snack or side dish.
  • Oven Method: Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). Spread the crinkle cut fries evenly on a baking sheet, drizzle with a bit of oil, and season to taste. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until they're golden and crispy.
  • Fryer Method: For a classic fried texture, heat your deep fryer to 350°F (175°C) and cook the fries for 2-3 minutes until they achieve a perfect crunch.
  • Deep-Fry Method: Deep-fry Crinkle Cut Fries in oil (350°F or 175°C) for approximately 3-4 minutes until they are golden and crispy.
  • Refrigeration: If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They should be consumed within 2-3 days.
  • Freezing: Extend their shelf life by freezing. Lay them in a single layer on a baking sheet, freeze until solid, and then transfer them to an airtight container or freezer bag. They can be stored for up to 2-3 months.

Crinkle Cut Fries 11mm

  • Whether as a sidekick to your burger or a stand-alone snack, our Crinkle Cut Fries (11mm) are versatile and complement a variety of dipping sauces and toppings.
  • Loved by both kids and adults, these fries are perfect for family meals, gatherings, and parties. They're a surefire way to please everyone at the table.
  • Air Fryer Method: For a healthier option, use your air fryer. Preheat to 400°F (200°C) and cook for 12-15 minutes, turning occasionally.
  • Grill or BBQ: Get creative and use foil or a grill basket to prepare these fries on the grill. This method adds a delightful smoky flavor to your fries.
  • Deep-Fry Method: Deep-fry Crinkle Cut Fries in oil (350°F or 175°C) for approximately 4-5 minutes until they are golden and crispy.
  • Refrigeration: If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They should be consumed within 2-3 days.
  • Reheating: When it's time for round two, reheat the fries in the oven, microwave, or air fryer until they're hot and crispy, ready to be enjoyed all over again.